IFT First

Connect with us at IFT FIRST!

Sunday, July 14, 2024
to Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Category: Industry Events

Attend IFT FIRST in Chicago, IL—the leading global science of food event focused on innovation, thought leadership, and intentional networking bringing together professionals from across job fields and disciplines to collaborate on science-based solutions that are intended to transform and innovate. This year's expo is focused on collaboration and innovation, exploring the questions "How can food science and technology transform the food system?" and "What is essential for making our food systems more safe, equitable, and sustainable?"

PBFI's Director of International Programs, Tawanda Muzhingi, will be at the show—reach out to Tawanda at tawanda@plantbasedfoods.org to connect!


Scientific & Technical Forum: How Can We Effectively Collaborate to Deliver a Healthy, Sustainable Food System?

Tuesday, 7/16 from 10:45am - 12:00pm CST

PBFI's Director of International Programs, Tawanda Muzhingi, will be participating in this session. This conversation will center on how science, technology, policy and public perception need to be brought together on a path towards food sustainability. Anticipated outcomes of the conversation will be the identification of new, synergistic approaches towards food sustainability as well as ways to overcome hurdles that are encountered. The audience will learn about how different stakeholders can work collaboratively and globally to meet the sustainability goals and also some successful case studies.

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Exhibit Hall Poster: Understanding Plant Based Foods Labeling Restrictions to Empower Brands and Consumers

Authored By Tawanda Muzhingi & Linette Kwon | Booth 148

In recent years, several countries have been suggesting or creating labeling restrictions around plant-based foods. Labeling restrictions on plant-based meat have been introduced in Italy, France, and South Africa, labeling restrictions on plant-based cheese have taken effect in Turkey, and labeling restrictions on plant-based milk have been suggested in the UK. The rationale behind all of these labeling restrictions is that consumers are confused by the labels and are consequently being deceived about the nutritional value. Although several studies have demonstrated consumers are well aware of what exactly they are consuming when purchasing plant-based foods, the labeling restrictions have already negatively affected not only consumers but many plant-based brands. This study was designed to provide robust evidence.

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For More Information:

Tawanda Muzhingi

Tawanda Muzhingi