Member Hosted: Plant-Based Protein Concentrates and Scale-up
Hosted By Catapult & CPM Crown
Technology for Oilseeds Derived Plant-based Protein Concentrates and Scale-up Considerations - On May 29 at 12p EST, Catapult is co-hosting a webinar with Alex Danelich and Mat Koppang at CPM Crown. Crown is an innovative global leader in oilseed processing offering custom process engineering, equipment, piloting and aftermarket support for crush, refining, biofuels, oleochemicals, plant-based proteins and other specialty extraction. Alex, Global VP of Sales, has over 20 years of experience - 15 in plant-based proteins - in product/project management & innovation and scale up to full commercial systems, including developing technologies and scaling processes from novel sources. Mat, Global Technical Sales Manager, has developed, scaled up, and commercialized processes related to plant based proteins and other specialty applications in their Innovation Center. Come meet this pair and ask questions!
*This is an Affiliate Member event, not an official PBFA event.